Good first post for me to read from this substack, had to tell myself not to let my preconceived notions get the better of me. In particular it at first seemed to conflict with Actual Justice Warrior's treatment of crime since he has his own statistics showing the rise in crime since pre-pandemic. But then I remembered that it's specifically violent crime which is still elevated but that other types such as property crime are back down.

Something I wonder though is whether the low crime in those locations which ended up closing was a result of their interventions (locking things up) being effective but ultimately making the shopping experience unpleasant enough to deter more foot traffic. Because even if they're hit once or twice, that might induce them to take precautions even if it doesn't make a big difference in the numbers overall.

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Then one of the big 4 acctg firms comes in, reviews this nonsense, winks at senior management and signs off. Quite a gig!

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This is quite interesting.

But can we all have a moment of silence for the corporation's suffering with their retail losses?

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Great report! Thanks!

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Glad I SUBBED here ...

This is really excellent food for thought for contrarians like me ...

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Who benefits from this perception? Amazon. Hmmmm

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